Christianity, Bible Topics, Christian Resources and Bible Studies

Christianity, Bible Topics, Christian Resources and Bible Studies

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Hey You, welcome to my simply complicated  life. My favorite oxymoron and now the title to my Christian blog. Here’s a little background on myself and why the topics I chose to write about are important to me.

I’m Carissa, a freelance writer and the owner of this blog. I created this blog to serve as an outlet for myself and to declare the works of the Lord to benefit others interested in similar matters. Though my blog is a compilation of diverse topics, it centers on bible topics, addiction and recovery, mental health, and my faith.

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Mental Health

Addiction and mental health often go hand in hand. For myself, I started dabbling in drugs to find relief from depression, anxiety, and bipolar disorders that were taking their toll on me. Doctors wrote out countless prescriptions that promised to minimize the symptoms of my disorders. The medication was a tradeoff, one symptom for another. Needless to say, it didn’t help, and most times the side effects were downright dangerous.

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Addiction and Recovery

Addiction is still a taboo topic amongst most people and that needs to change. We cannot help addicts if we aren’t able to understand addiction. We will never understand addiction if we’re unwilling to discuss it in the first place. There are far too many misconceptions about the people battling substance abuse.

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I was severely addicted to opiates (pain medication and heroin) for over 5 years. I was fortunate to survive long enough to find an addiction treatment program that worked for me. Many addicts never get clean, rather, they die in their addiction before having an actual chance at sobriety. With the help of my treatment program, I was able to take the first step in getting off drugs before the addiction took my life away.

I hope by sharing parts of my story you will be able to take something beneficial away from it all. Whether you know the life of addiction from personal experience or if you have a loved one battling addiction, I hope you can learn from both my mistakes and accomplishments.

For the individuals who are grappling with addiction as we speak, I hope my story will inspire you to pursue sobriety. Whether you choose to admit it, I know because I was in your shoes that you are not happy being enslaved by your addiction. I remember the hopelessness that addiction brings and how it convinces you that there’s no way out. By nature, the lifestyle of addiction displays the survivor mentality within addicts. Waking up every day, tasked with getting themselves out of withdrawal. So, next time you feel you are not strong enough to get clean, remind yourself of the survivor that is already within you.

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Faith and Deliverance

I cannot speak on my recovery from addiction without sharing my personal testimony of deliverance. During my horrific opiate withdrawal, I called out to God for help. I knew I could not get clean on my own; Even with the treatment program, the addiction was stronger than my strength and will. To put it plainly, withdrawal terrified me.

When I cried out to God, I didn’t know what I was doing. I didn’t recite any specific prayer. Honestly, I wasn’t even sure if what I spoke was considered a prayer. It was on the floor of my bedroom while on my hands and knees where I began breaking down and telling God I needed his help. That was the moment I experienced the mercy and grace of God. That was the first day of my new life.

After that, I have repeatedly witnessed God’s power in my life and it still leaves me speechless. I cannot and will not keep it to myself. More people need to hear about things like spiritual warfare and deliverance, especially if they suffer with addiction. I tried getting clean on my own numerous times, to no avail. It wasn’t until I allowed God to take over in my situation, only then was I finally able to get clean.

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Important Note: Beware! This is NOT your average Christian blog.


Here on this blog, I can assure you that you will not be given a prosperity gospel, nor will you be told doctrine that will tickle your ear with all the things you want to hear. You will, however, be told the truth, the truth that will convict, rebuke, and chasten you. At times you will NOT like what I have to say because the truth offends.

I am not here to coddle you or dance around your feelings. I am here to warn you, edify you, and share with you everything God has so generously revealed to me. If you have been lied to or deceived by false teachings the truth may be shocking at times and that’s okay. If you feel like you have been serving God but have not seen his power and presence in your life you will soon learn why and how you can change that.

The Missing Pieces

On this Christian blog, you will have access to the missing pieces that leave you with unanswered questions and confusion. You will read about the things that are left out of Sunday Morning Services like, Spiritual Warfare, Sin, Demons, Repentance, and Deliverance. You will learn about your greatest enemy and the lengths he will go to ensure your undoing.

This blog will also discuss the everyday things you are either doing or allowing into your life that gives Satan and his demons legal rights into your life. How you can take back those legal rights, and close the door in Satan’s face.

Do you feel like there is something missing within you and your life, an emptiness that causes you to search for ways to fill it in hopes of feeling better? You are not alone. Many are suffering from the consequences of living a life apart from God. Things of the world and of the flesh will never fill the emptiness inside because it is spiritual emptiness.

Our Spiritual Need For A Relationship With God

Because we were all created in the image of God we all have a deep-rooted spiritual need to have a personal relationship with our Creator, even if we don’t realize that it is there.

This spiritual need left unfulfilled can lead to things like addictions of all kinds, mental/emotional distress, loss of control in one’s life and more. You can try all you want to fill that inner void with money, materialistic things, people, popularity and distractions. You may even temporarily feel a sense of contentment, but it will not last. It never does.

Are You Ready For A Drastic Change?

Are you exhausted from searching for meaning and purpose? Have you always had the sense that there must be something more that your missing? It is time to throw your hands up and move out of God’s way. Humble yourself and seek God, repent and tell Him you cannot do this on your own!

If you have questions, would like me to cover a specific topic, or if you would like me to pray with you, feel free to reach out to me through comments, email, or social media.

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