The Truth About Sleep Paralysis: Alien And Demonic Encounters
Uncovering The Alien Deception
To know how to stop sleep paralysis, we first have to know what we are dealing with. People who report repeated episodes of sleep paralysis describe a common element; intelligent, malevolent beings. Sleep paralysis for some people involves aliens. This isn’t always the case, but there is an influx of reported alien encounters and sleep paralysis. What do we know about alien encounters and sleep paralysis? Are these beings demonic?
Oddly enough, one of the first things I realized when I became a Christian was the very real spiritual war going on all around us. Though many Christians prefer to discount the spiritual side of their beliefs, I find this to be strange, considering they serve a supernatural God. So you believe that God parted the Red Sea, spoke through a donkey, kept Daniel from being eaten by lions, and raised Jesus from the dead, but you struggle with the idea of demonic forces being used to further Satan’s agenda? I think this immediate dismissal stems from ignorance and fear. People dislike and disapprove of what they don’t understand. The Holy Bible is booming with stories of the unexplainable illustrations of God’s power and might. Just the same, it warns us about Satan’s lying signs and wonders.
Alien vs. Demons
A popular narrative being pushed by the media through music, movies, and pop culture is the idea that Aliens are beings from another planet making them extraterrestrials. People seem to accept aliens from outer space more so than the topic of demons in the Bible being relevant in our lives today. What if evidence points to Aliens being interdimensional rather than extraterrestrial? This may seem like an insignificant detail, but it is rather an important one.
What if I told you that aliens are in fact demonic entities working in lying signs and wonders to continue to keep it that way? It would be much more profitable for Satan if people didn’t believe in demons. If you don’t believe in demons to begin with, you won’t be a threat to them and they will better be able to deceive and manipulate you. Likewise, if you believe in aliens from outer space, you are more likely to adopt the idea of aliens being considered higher beings like many claim. People are jumping on board with this idea that these higher beings will be the world’s “savior”, protecting us from our own self-destruction or preventing an apocalyptic event. Getting people to believe this is Satan’s ultimate agenda. It makes sense that Satan would reinforce this because we know he wants to exalt himself, and if people are worshipping these higher beings considering these aliens to be their “saviors” he has succeeded in putting himself in place of our true Lord and Savior Jesus Christ to those who fall for the deception.
Determining where aliens originate from is crucial in finding out what they are. We as a society shouldn’t allow the media or popular opinion to be the end-all say-all with any topic, especially this one. There are 2 main theories about these creatures, and that is; they are extraterrestrial or interdimensional.
At yourdictonary.com, the definition of extraterrestrial is something from space. This means it originates outside of the earth. When using the word extraterrestrial regarding alien beings, it means that these beings are from another planet, universe, or solar system, not from Earth.
At yourdictonary.com, the definition of interdimensional is; between dimensions. If alien beings are interdimensional, they are no longer believed to be from a planet in the universe, rather from another dimension making them spiritual beings.
Deciding which of these 2 categories you believe aliens belong to will lay out the foundation for everything you believe about them. It is essential that we get this right to prevent ourselves from falling into deception. Whichever one you believe will shape your perception of their motives. On one hand, is the thought that their purpose and motive is to help humanity and Earth. Or, they are disguising their genuine identity in order to bring about their nefarious intentions, none of which are to help us.
Reasons For Sleep Paralysis
You wake up out of sleep unable to move any part of your body, you cannot scream for help, you feel an overwhelming sense of panic and dread, and all you can do is look around your bedroom trying to pinpoint the source of your fear. This is known as sleep paralysis, something I am very familiar with. It is something I could never understand, not until I became a Christian and uncovered the truth about what was going on during these incidents of sleep paralysis. Once I understood it was demonic in nature I was able to learn how to stop sleep paralysis.
Some medical experts claim that sleep paralysis is nothing more than a sleep disturbance, a result of disruptions during the stages of sleep. Brought on by lack of sleep, anxiety, or medications. Since I have dealt with sleep paralysis regularly, until I became a Christian, I would have to disagree with medical journals on this one. I believe there are cases in which an interruption in the fluency of a person’s sleep stages causes sleep paralysis. I do, however, believe a majority of sleep paralysis cases are spiritual rather than medical.
Because I have had so many episodes of sleep paralysis, I believe I can identify the difference between medical and spiritual sleep paralysis. I have woken up unable to move or speak, feeling stuck, but there was a distinctive difference, there was no feeling of dread. These episodes didn’t seem to last very long, and it felt just as it’s referred to as; an untimely disruption of a person’s sleep cycle. When I have experienced sleep paralysis as being a metaphysical event, the terror was unlike anything I have ever felt. The only way I can describe it is that it feels like an animalistic instinct that something or someone nearby is there to do you harm. There is no uncertainty about it, you sense the nefarious intentions in the air. I believe this to be a spiritual attack carried out by demonic entities for what I can imagine are insidious intentions.
Sleep Paralysis and Alien Encounters
Most often, the subject of sleep paralysis is found alongside alien encounters. People searching about how to stop sleep paralysis share their personal accounts online, and many involve the theme of alien encounters. This can range from experiences of abduction from their bedroom, invasive medical procedures, and sexual encounters. There have been films made about these types of experiences, and there are a plethora of shows interviewing the individuals who’ve experienced it.
One thing you don’t hear about is the countless testimonies of people who have stopped alien abductions and encounters by praying, reciting scripture or by saying the name of Jesus. I don’t believe this to be by accident. If this got out people would witness the power of Jesus, and they could stop the alien encounter in its tracks. More so, I presume that they keep this information under wraps because people will connect the dots between these so-called “alien encounters” and demonic entities. If aliens and demons are not the same malevolent beings, why is it that the name of Jesus, Bible scriptures, hymns, and prayers stop these experiences?
When I began reading about this I was floored, and there was no doubt in my mind that sleep paralysis and alien encounters were demonic. Like I have explained in this post, I have experienced sleep paralysis since I was a young child. If you have not read a lot of my posts on this blog, you may not know that my parents raised me to believe in God. So, my natural reaction when experiencing something I could not explain while being unable to scream for my parents was to pray. It always stopped the episodes of sleep paralysis.
As I grew older, I questioned why this was the case, but because I fell away from God, I didn’t have the discernment to put two and two together; that it was demonic. Even though I wasn’t living a life of a Christian, I still always prayed or called out for Jesus in my mind whenever the sleep paralysis returned. I believe because my parents raised me up in the ways of the Lord when I was young and I asked Jesus into my heart, God had grace and mercy over me even though I had fallen away for a season of my life. God knew I would come back to him, like the prodigal son in the Bible. He knew I would one day put two and two together and write about it for others to read. It is now just another piece of my incredible testimony.
Since I have come to Christ and made him my Lord and Savior now being mature enough to understand these things, I rarely experience sleep paralysis. When it happens, I know what I am dealing with and it no longer has power over me like it once did. I realize that it is a demonic attack from the enemy. I think it says a lot about demons when they wait until you are at your most vulnerable during sleep to do this.
Jesus Has Authority Over All
If aliens are just extraterrestrial beings from someplace in outer space, why would Bible verses, prayers and the Name of Jesus stop them? What makes more sense is that these alien beings are indeed just demons disguising themselves to manipulate humans. Demons have been around for a long, long time, and they have improved upon their ways to con us.
That’s why it is necessary that we question things and refer to scripture to find out the truth. Just because there isn’t the phrase alien encounter in the Bible doesn’t mean we can’t get answers in scripture. By reading through the countless illustrations of demons, demonic possession, and learning about the motives of Satans in the Bible, we can identify parallels between demons and aliens.
Throughout my blog, there will be many posts on the subject of demons and spiritual warfare, which will allow us to explore more topics like this. If you are familiar with scripture, you already know what the Bible says about the name of Jesus and His authority. If you don’t know, here are some verses that point to the power of His name. The power that can stop these negative experiences. Ask God to reveal to you the truth about these things, especially if you think you might be deceived into believing the narrative of aliens that is being reinforced by the mainstream.
Philippians 2:9-11, “Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name: That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth;And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.” (KJV)
1 Peter 3:22, “Who is gone into heaven, and is on the right hand of God; angels and authorities and powers being made subject unto him.” (KJV)
Matthew 8:16, “When evening came, they brought to Him many who were under the power of demons, and He drove out the spirits with a word and restored to health all who were sick.” (Amplified Bible)
Luke 8:27-33, “As Jesus stepped ashore, a certain man from the town met him who was possessed by demons. For a long time this man had worn no clothes and had not lived in a house, but among the tombs.”
When he saw Jesus, he cried out, fell down before him, and shouted with a loud voice, ‘Leave me alone, Jesus, Son of the Most High God! I beg you, do not torment me!’ For Jesus had started commanding the evil spirit to come out of the man. (For it had seized him many times, so he would be bound with chains and shackles and kept under guard. But he would break the restraints and be driven by the demon into deserted places.)
Jesus then asked him, ‘What is your name?’ He said, ‘Legion,’ because many demons had entered him. And they began to beg him not to order them to depart into the abyss.
“Now a large herd of pigs was feeding there on the hillside, and the demonic spirits begged Jesus to let them go into them. He gave them permission. So the demons came out of the man and went into the pigs, and the herd of pigs rushed down the steep slope into the lake and drowned.” (NET)
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Very good understanding about this mysterious topic usually not spoken about within church circles. Looking forward to more on topics like this. ?
Thanks! I can’t wait to discuss these topics more in-depth with you! xoxo
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