Instant Prayer Miracles

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The results are in…

It was two weeks ago when my phone rang and when I picked up on the other end was my mom. Her voice was shaking and I could tell she had been crying so I asked her what was wrong. All at once she hysterically informed me how my little sister just got her COVID-19 test results back and they were positive. My mother told me how sick my sister was and I could hear the fear behind every phrase my mom uttered. At that moment all I could think was how I needed to be strong for her and allow my faith in God to be clear and comforting as I chose my next words carefully.

After taking some time to console my mom, I told her I needed to hang up and get into prayer and God’s word. As soon as I struck the red “end call” button, I let out the crying I had held in while on the phone with her. I clutched my bible and got on my knees and cried out to God. At first all that came out were the groanings and moanings of my spirit, but I knew that the Holy Spirit would translate it to God and I continued to let it out. Through the blurriness of my wet eyes I went to various verses in the bible to declare God’s promises and to fight off the enemies whispers meant to instigate fear and doubt. This went on for some time and the peace and comfort of the Holy Spirit came over me and I was able to think clearly to begin targeted spiritual warfare prayers. I interceded, I was binding and loosing, and declaring Gods word strategically.

The Holy Spirit prompted me when it was time to call my sister to pray with her on the phone, and that is exactly what I did. We have now just past 14 days of her being quarantined, and she is back to the state of health she was in before getting COVID-19. God came through as he always does.

God didn’t just come through with my sister, but he continued to place his hands on all the situations surrounding what happened. Instant prayer miracles were taking place. In the following days my parents were told that they needed to get tested because they had close contact with my sister. From the time they took the test until they received their results was between 24-48 hrs, and during that time I prayed diligently. Sure enough, though my parents were around my sister in close contact regularly, they both received negative test results. Praise God!

This entire situation taught me so much, it taught me about the importance of faith and prayer. It also taught me about the importance of capturing and rebuking those thoughts of fear and doubt that are always there attempting to shake your faith. It allowed me to provide the comfort and strength my family needed when they were being overwhelmed by the what-ifs. See the thing is I of my own might was a crying mess on the floor but through the strength and comfort of the Holy Spirit and through walking in faith I was made strong in order to share that with my family as a testimony.

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This whole situation lasted over a span of 5 days, from the initial results of my sister’s test until the results came in for my parents. All awhile the Lord held me up and there were moments when I really struggled to stay in proper faith, but that is when God used my husband to be there to spiritually lift me up. When that first call came through and I was on the floor groaning in the spirit and crying out to God, my husband came down on the floor beside me, held me in his arms, and prayed out loud and it was at that moment that I became encouraged and strengthened. For these reasons, I am not only thankful, but in awe, because God is amazing, and all glory belongs to him.

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