Basics Of Spiritual Warfare
Part One: Understanding Basics of Spiritual Warfare
There is a process an individual must go through before becoming a soldier deemed fit for war. Just the same, we too must learn the boot-camp basics of spiritual warfare before venturing into battle. There are a few key things you need to have a solid understanding of before moving forward.
Every solider going to war needs to know; who they are fighting against, where this battle is taking place and why there is a battle being fought. Soldiers need to be trained in what weapons they will be using and how to properly and effectively utilize those weapons to fight back? Just the same Christians need to go through a similar process in order to understand the basics of spiritual warfare.
What Is Spiritual Warfare?
What is spiritual warfare? Would you recognize it if it was appearing in your life, and even if you could, would you know what to do? It’s okay if you said no, most people don’t know, and that is the reasoning for this post. Lots of people, including Christians, are unaware of the very real spiritual battle going on all around us. This war has been going on since the creation of man and until it’s over we all will do our fair share of fighting.
Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. Therefore, take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. Ephesians 6:10-13.
Two Opposing Sides
Spiritual warfare is the battle taking place in the unseen realm. This war is between two sides that are contrary to one another, and all humanity is stuck in the middle. Even if you don’t want to be in the midst of this war, you are. You can try to convince yourself that this is not your fight therefore, you’re not on either side. If you’re alive and breathing you are in this fight and choosing a side is a requirement. Failing to choose a side automatically assigns you to the enemy camp and you do not want to be in the enemy’s camp. The part that makes this war unlike any other is that we already know the outcome. God wins!
You’re probably thinking to yourself, well, if God wins then why do I have to fight, why is there still a war? Yes, God triumphs, but that doesn’t mean we know where that leaves us. The battle is won because Jesus shed his blood on the cross, effectively destroying Satan’s chance of victory. This doesn’t mean Satan still isn’t at work doing all he can do to wreak havoc in our lives. Satan and his army want nothing more than to make sure you don’t know God and they will do this by any means. If they cannot keep you from God, then their objective is to make sure you are a powerless Christian. A Christian who doesn’t know the authority they are given through believing in Christ Jesus. If you are unaware of the believer’s authority, you are powerless to fight back, defenseless, just how the enemy prefers it to be.
“Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will,”. Romans 12:2.
Spiritual Warfare In The Physical
Much of what transpires here in the physical realm, everything we can see, touch, smell and hear is effected by what is taking place in the heavens. Everything that remains unseen and invisible to us is where the majority of spiritual warfare takes place. What is commonly referred to as bad luck or karma are in fact the results of spiritual warfare. Many of the things we force ourselves to put up with are actually results of spiritual warfare. Spiritual warfare is taking place all around us in the natural world in which we experience just the same, there is a battle being fought within us as well.
“So I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh. For the flesh desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the flesh. They are in conflict with each other, so that you are not to do whatever you want.” Galatians 5:16-17.
Spiritual Attacks
Spiritual warfare and attacks can manifest in a number of ways; physical disorder and afflictions, mental and emotional issues, frame of mind and mood, spiritual oppression, and family, friends, and work troubles. It’s important to recognize that much of the battle taking place is happening within our minds. The Bible tells us to capture our thoughts daily and to renew our minds daily. This is because the war in our minds is continually influencing our thoughts and moods.
Everyday we are alive we are fighting a battle that is within us; in our mind, body and spirit. It’s important to consider the distinct difference of the flesh and spirit. The flesh refers to our physical bodies and the spirit to our spiritual condition. There are 3 major areas which attacks are most likely to be found and many of them overlap. For example, you may be dealing with mental health problems like depression and suicide which will manifest in the flesh but the root is found in the spirit. Think of the manifestations in the flesh as symptoms pointing to a deeper spiritual problem.
Attacks In The Flesh
- Disease, Cancer, Life Threatening
- Sickness and Illness
- Injury, physical danger
- Imbalances and deficiencies
- Health Problems
- Pain
- Temptation, urges, compelled
- Mental and Emotional Issues
- Stress, overwhelming worry or fear
- Hopelessness,
- Addictions, Phobias, and Habits
Attacks In The Spirit
- Seeds of doubt and confusion, internal spiritual conflict
- Disbelief
- Pulling away from God
- Increase Temptation To Sin/Do wrong
- Hindering Prayer and Bible reading
- Distractions, inability to focus or discern
- Condemnation, guilt, shame
- Unforgiveness, bitterness, resentment
- Spiritual bondage
- Spiritual Oppression
- Lies, Deceptions and manipulations
External/Surrounding Attacks
- Discord with family and friends
- Issues at home, work, church
- Financial Problems
- Possessions (things that keep breaking i.e. car, fridge, heating etc
- Troubles, trials, loss, destruction
- Attacks through strangers
- Persuaded to do wrong
- Outside Spiritual influence
“Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.” Matthew 26:41.
Fighting against any of this apart from God is futile. The only way we are able to even gain victory is because of Jesus and the covenant God made so long ago. Without Jesus there is no chance of victory, but with him we are given the power and authority to defend ourselves from the flaming darts of the enemy.
It seems we have two types of believers when it comes to spiritual warfare. There are the Christians who altogether reject any and all notions of the spiritual side of Christianity. It is these same believers who suffer through many things they don’t have to because they are not dealing with it at its root. Spiritual problems need spiritual solutions. You would be shocked to learn how much of our life is affected by spiritual warfare. All the worldly solutions and carnal attempts to overcome something are trivial when the root, or origin, is based in the spiritual.
We Are Given Authority
When Jesus rose from the grave, conquering death, the war was won. It seems as though Satan did not get the memo and so he continues to fight against all that is of God and all that is holy. Coming after all of creation to persuade them to rebel against God as he did. Because the battle is already won, we as believers in Christ have authority through him. We receive His authority to wage spiritual warfare against the enemy, using God’s armor and taking up our spiritual weaponry.
Luke 10:19 (NKJV)
Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you.
Christian Book Recommendations on Spiritual Warfare and Deliverance
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